2024-2025 Graduate and Professional Program Catalog 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate and Professional Program Catalog

Application Instructions

Application Forms and Materials

For a copy of the application for graduate admission booklet, write, call or e‐mail the Graduate School, or visit the Graduate School’s Prospective Students webpage (www.umes.edu/grad/) for forms. Also read the section on Important Application Information. There are separate application forms for degree and non‐degree status. Applicants should submit materials as instructed on each of application form. For further explanation of the graduate application and admissions process described in this Catalog, including summary checklists, refer to the UMES Application for Graduate Admission form(also available on the Graduate School webpage under Prospective Students ‐ http://www.umes.edu/WorkArea/showcontent.aspx?id=31828).

There is also an online graduate application on the University System of Maryland’s website (www.acaff.usmh.usmd.edu/gradapp/index.html).

The introductory narrative in the UMES Application for Graduate Admissions Process and Checklist (www.umes.edu/Grad/Default.aspx?id=17610) is also useful background information for those submitting the online application.

The Initial Application Process

To apply for a degree program, applicants must send the following:

  1. The completed application form along with a completed Statement of Purpose form. These two may be submitted in hard copy or online.
  2. Official transcripts covering all credits earned or in progress at any post‐secondary institution.
  3. Letters of evaluation (recommendation).
  4. All applicable forms and materials listed in the application package including resume; and test scores.


Each applicant must submit official copies of all of his/her academic transcripts for undergraduate and graduate work taken to date, regardless of whether a degree was awarded. Each transcript should bear the signature of the registrar and the seal of the granting institution and should include the years of attendance, courses taken, grades received, and the degree, diploma or certificate conferred. For applicants who attended UMES, the UMES Graduate School may obtain the records for courses completed on this campus and the degree awarded. To facilitate the application process, an official copy of transcripts from all other institutions should be attached to the application.

Although photocopies of credentials or unofficial (student issued) transcript copies are acceptable for initial review, regular admission status cannot be granted, nor will any degree be awarded, until the UMES Graduate School has received official copies of all academic credentials certified by an administrative official of the school, college or university.

Holders of transcripts of post‐secondary study and degrees earned outside the United States are subject to the information requested in the section on Academic Credentials of International Applicants.

Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA)

Applicants with degrees from US institutions or foreign institutions with a grading system comparable to the US, must be certain to calculate and convert their grade averages to a fourpoint (4.0) grading system, and at three levels, for credits included in the baccalaureate program, unless their transcripts already provide the GPA calculated data. See the instructions below for specifics on the calculation.

The Graduate School will determine an equivalent cumulative GPA for foreign applicants with educational systems different from the US.

The GPA levels are:

  1. Overall.
  2. Credits earned after the first 60 credits up to the date of application or the date of the award of the baccalaureate degree, whichever is later.
  3. Those credits which constitute the major field.

For work taken beyond the bachelor’s degree, a separate computation should be made.

All results are entered into the spaces provided for the GPA on the application form. All grades are to be calculated on a four‐point grading system, shown below, regardless of the grading system used at the institution attended. Pass/fail, satisfactory/failure, completed credit and similar grades are not to be included in the calculations. All numerical, alphabetical or equivalent grades, except as already noted, must be calculated as follows:

  1. Convert all hours to semester hours (one‐quarter hour equals 2/3‐semester hour or onesemester hour equals 1½ quarter hours).
  2. Count the number of credit hours for each grade.
  3. Multiply the total credits for each grade by the number of (quality or honor) points for each as follows: A = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1; and F = 0 (intermediate marks, e.g., B+, C‐, are assigned in the value of the letter grade, e.g., B+ = 3, C‐ = 2).
  4. Then divide the total grade points by the total number of credits to obtain the GPA.

Application Fee

A non‐refundable application fee of US $45 (Master’s/non‐degree) and US $50 (Doctoral) must accompany each application. NOTE: the governing policy for, and any allowable waiver of the application fee, is found in the subsequent section on Graduate Fees.

Payment should be made by check or money order payable to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. The on‐line application allows use of a credit card.

Application Deadlines

It is the applicant’s responsibility to check the individual program to which he/she is applying for any specific application deadline, including those for international applicants. Except for programs which have only one application deadline per year, all other programs have Fall, Spring or Summer deadline dates. If an applicant misses one of these deadlines, his/her application may be considered for the next available admissions cycle.

It is also to the applicant’s advantage to be timely if he/she wishes to be considered for Graduate Assistantships (admission to a program is required) or other forms of financial support. Applicants should consult the Financial Assistance section for application deadlines for federal financial support.

Non‐degree program applicants (e.g., Advanced Special and Visiting Graduate Students) should submit applications according to the schedule given in those admissions sections.

Faculty who comprise the program Admissions Committees may not always be available over the summer months. Applicants for consideration of a Fall admission should note that if they do not meet the program’s Fall application deadline or have their application complete by that deadline, they may not be admitted in a timely manner or may be deferred to a Spring admission.

If all completed degree program application materials, as requested, do not arrive simultaneously, the Graduate School, for internal processing purposes, desires the order of receipt to be the application and attachment forms, the official transcripts, standardized exam test scores and lastly, the letters of evaluation (recommendation). However, by the stated application deadline date, the application is complete only if all materials have been received. The graduate programs’ Admissions Committees normally will not begin review of applications unless each application package is complete.

Refer to www.umes.edu/Grad/Default.aspx?id=22806 for more information on deadlines.

Termination of Application Process

Deliberate omission, misrepresentation or falsification of information on the application for degree or non‐degree programs and accompanying application materials, and altered or fraudulent credentials (transcript, test score) will terminate the admission process for the applicant. If any of these problems surface after the applicant has been admitted, that student’s enrollment status will be terminated.

Status of Application

All hardcopy print materials should be sent to:
The Graduate School,
University of Maryland Eastern Shore,
Princess Anne, Maryland 21853.

Please note that applicants also have the option to apply online at www.umes.edu/Grad/Default.aspx?id=17612.

Applicants are advised to carefully follow the instructions in the application package and to respond to all applicable requests for information. Some programs may have a supplemental information form or checklist to be completed and submitted with the application.

Incomplete application materials (i.e., insufficient information or responses), will delay the start of the admissions review process.

The Graduate School forwards all materials received to the appropriate Graduate Program Coordinator to start the application review process by the program’s Admissions Committee. It is important, then, for applicants to arrange to have all application materials requested to arrive around the same time period in order to facilitate, rather than delay, the admissions review process. The Graduate School and the Graduate Program involved jointly track the application materials received.

Applicants, however, are solely responsible for making certain that their transcripts, letters of evaluation/recommendation and any applicable application attachment forms have, in fact, been received. No follow‐up action can be taken by the UMES Graduate School for missing, misdirected or incomplete items.

International Students Application Process

International applicants seeking admission to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore should not plan to leave their country before receiving an official offer of admission from the Graduate School. The Graduate School undertakes a preliminary review and evaluation of the international applicant’s materials (academic credentials and application completeness) prior to their admission to the graduate program.

Academic Credentials

For foreign nationals, the completed application and fee, letters of evaluation and official academic credentials for all undergraduate and graduate (tertiary level) institutions attended/being attended, should all be received by the UMES Graduate School by the appropriate international deadline date (if given) or the specific program deadline date (if a fixed date).

Official transcripts must be submitted by the applicant to World Education Services (WES) for a course by course evaluation which must be received by the Graduate School at the time the application for admission to the graduate program is being reviewed. WES currently evaluates and authenticates credentials for submission to the Graduate School at UMES. As of January 20, 2010 WES has been officially recognized as the recipient of verified Chinese degrees for the U.S. and Canada. Foreign nationals should complete an application for transcript review at www.wes.org and request that the registrar of the institution from which they obtained their degree send the original copy of the transcript to WES for evaluation. WES will submit the evaluation along with a certified copy of the transcript to UMES. Transcripts that do not indicate the degree earned will not be accepted by the Graduate School.

The name of the individual on the credentials must match that on the application.

Photocopies of credentials are acceptable for initial review purposes only. Official credentials (original documents) from non‐US institutions must bear either an imprinted seal, an original stamp of the institution or the original signature of a school official.

Official documents should include the courses completed, the amount of time taken per course, grades and the grading system.

Public documents signed by a notary public are considered unofficial.

Official credentials must be received or certified by the Graduate School before regular (or full) admission status is granted. Students enrolled at another US institution may have certified copies of all foreign records sent directly to the UMES Graduate School by their current institution. Transcripts of their US coursework must be sent directly from the institution.

Only applicants who have completed a full sequence of preparatory studies and examinations equivalent to a US bachelor’s (normally four years and 120 credit hours of study) or higher degree from an approved institution, and who have demonstrated high academic achievement, will be considered for admission.

English Proficiency Testing

When applicants are ready to begin their studies, they will be expected to read, speak and write fluently in English, in order to understand lectures, take examinations and participate in seminars and presentations. Applicants should be aware that UMES does not offer any program of English for non‐native speakers of English to improve their proficiency.

Native speakers of English are defined as those who have received all of their education in the United States, United Kingdom, English‐speaking Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Commonwealth Caribbean. International applicants who are non‐native speakers of English (not their first language or the language of instruction at all levels of schooling) must demonstrate a proficiency in the English language by taking the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and scoring 79/80 (internet based test), 213 or better (computer based test), or by providing evidence of an equivalent official testing in the English language with an acceptable score. Graduate programs may request TOEFL scores of non‐immigrant visa status holders and permanent resident applicants.

Possible exceptions may be made for non‐native speakers who have successfully pursued full time academic work leading to a postsecondary degree or diploma in an English speaking country (see above), where English is the language of instruction. The TOEFL requirement is waived for an international student awarded a baccalaureate degree from UMES or a graduating senior at UMES who will have completed at least four years of undergraduate study at a US college or university.

Because TOEFL is given at selective times a year throughout various parts of the world, as soon as applicants contemplate study at UMES, they should make arrangements to take the test. For TOEFL test information, go to www.ets.org/toefl.

Standardized test scores are considered valid within a 24‐month period of the examination. When requesting official TOEFL score reports to be sent to the Graduate School, please refer to the UMES institutional code: 5400. A copy of an applicant’s “Examinee’s Score Record” may be sent with the application for evaluation purposes only. (Note that the data on this record will be verified with ETS). The official score from ETS must be received for the applicant’s permanent file. Applicants found to be deficient in English and required to improve their English proficiency do so at their own expense. Any course(s) or exams taken for this purpose will not count for degree credit.

Financial Resources

To meet immigration requirements, each international applicant must furnish a completed Certification of Finances form to the Graduate School with the application, signed by him/her and the sponsor. Approximately US $20,000 annually is an average for educational and living expenses. Evidence of funding (in US dollars) for the first year must be provided with an indication of how financial support will be provided for subsequent years (normally up to two years for a Master’s program and up to three to four years for the Doctorate).

International students are ineligible for need‐based federal and state financial aid programs.

International applicants may not refer to assistantships and campus employment as a source of financial support since a student must be admitted to the Graduate School before being eligible for these scarce financial resources. Applicants unable to demonstrate that they possess adequate financial self‐support for their graduate study, including health insurance, will not be admitted.

The Certification of Finances form is to be updated and resubmitted if there is a request for deferment of the original admission since financial institution statements will be outdated.

Immigration Documents

In order to obtain an F‐1 student visa (for the purpose of pursuing full‐time study), international applicants must complete Form I‐20, issued by the UMES Office of Undergraduate Admissions. International applicants should not plan to leave their home country before obtaining an official offer of admission. International students already studying in the US, who wish to transfer to UMES, must provide copies of their I‐20, I‐94 and passport visa stamp to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. The Department of Homeland Security is then requested to grant permission for the transfer. UMES handles only the F‐1 student visa.

Reporting Upon Arrival

Every admitted international graduate student is expected to report to the campus International Student Advisor as soon as possible after arrival at UMES. The Advisor will inform the student about campus and community services and assistance, which are available to international students.

Records Maintenance and Disposition

All records, including academic records from other institutions, become part of the official file of the Graduate School and can neither be returned nor duplicated for any purpose. Students should maintain a copy of their official credentials for their personal use.

The official credentials and the applicants’ data are retained for 18 months only and then destroyed in the following cases:

  1. Applicants who do not register for courses in the term for which they were admitted and have not sought a deferment of the date of entrance.
  2. Those whose applications have been disapproved.
  3. Applicants who do not respond to the departmental graduate program and/or the Graduate School requests for additional information.
  4. Those whose application folders remain incomplete, e.g., missing transcripts, recommendation letters, application forms, etc.

Fees and Other Expenses

Payment of Tuition and Other Fees

It is the policy of UMES not to defer tuition fee payment on the basis of a pending application for financial assistance to an outside agency, including Veterans Administration benefits, bank loans, guaranteed student loan programs, etc.

Students whose accounts are in arrears will experience delays and holds in registration and in admittance to classes. Students indebted to the University are likewise prevented from having degrees conferred or transcripts released until the total debt is cleared.

The State of Maryland has a State Central Collections Unit, and in accordance with State law, UMES is required to refer all delinquent accounts to that office for collection and subsequent legal action.

Withdrawal and Tuition Refund (Regular Semester/Session)

A Cancellation of Registration, submitted to the Undergraduate Admissions Office before the official first day of classes, entitles the student to a full credit or refund of semester/session tuition.

After classes begin, students who wish to terminate part or all of their registration must follow the drop class or withdrawal procedures of the Registrar and Academic Affairs. Students in the University System of Maryland intercampus enrollment must make certain they drop or withdraw at the host campus as well as at UMES. The effective date used in computing refunds is the date the drop and/or withdrawal form is filed.

Students dropping classes and/or withdrawing from the University during a semester will be credited for any allowable tuition charges, according to the following schedule:

Period from date instruction begins Refundable Tuition only
(not other fees)
Two weeks or less 80%
Between two and three weeks 60%
Between three and four weeks 40%
After four weeks No Refund

(This schedule is subject to change)

University Refund Statement (Regular Semester/Session)

Tuition is authorized for refund, according to a refund time schedule (see above), only if the student cancels registration before classes begin, or drops classes after classes begin, completes the prescribed procedures for withdrawal from classes for the semester, or is dismissed. Note that all of these conditions to be eligible for a tuition refund must be acted on during the refund schedule period.

Weekend Programs

Weekend Programs follow a separate Graduate School policy for adding, dropping and withdrawing from classes and refund of tuition. Consult the program and the Graduate School.

Graduate Fees

The fees and charges listed herein are those charged at the time this Graduate School Catalog went to publication and are offered as a general guide. THE UNIVERSITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE SUCH CHANGES IN FEES AND OTHER CHARGES AS MAY BE NECESSARY. The University’s Schedule of Fees & Expenses is available on the UMES website at http://www.umes.edu/About/Default.aspx?id=241.

Application Fee

US $45 for Master’s & US $50 for Doctoral.

A non‐refundable Application Fee and a separate application must be submitted for each program or degree‐level or status in which entrance is sought.

UMES will waive the Application Fee under the following circumstances:

  1. the applicant had been admitted, and had previously taken graduate courses at UMES or at SU (see section on Collaborative Programs with Salisbury University ); or
  2. the applicant is a UMES senior or graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better; or
  3. the applicant is a senior or a graduate of an accredited US college or university, with a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or better (confirmed by transcript); or
  4. the applicant is a McNair student/Scholar (must be documented).

Graduate programs may require an acceptance fee, which is applied as a credit to tuition and other fees upon the student’s initial enrollment in the degree program.

Tuition Per Credit Hour Fee:

(subject to change)

Resident Student US $307.00
Non‐Resident Student US $548.00

Students admitted to the UMES Graduate School must pay the graduate tuition regardless of whether a course is audited or the credit earned will be used to satisfy program requirements. Graduate students will be charged for tuition at the graduate rate regardless of the numbering system of courses for which they register.

Supplemental Fees

(subject to change)

Registration Fee (campus) ‐ Summer/Winter Session $5.00
Graduation Fee Master’s Degree $35.00
Doctoral Degree $35.00
Student Activity Fee (on‐campus) $30.00
Vehicle Registration/ Parking Fee $40.00
Off‐Campus/Continuing Education Registration Fee $25.00
Technology Fee $10.00

Determination of In‐State Status for Admission, Tuition and Charge‐Differential Purposes

An initial determination of Maryland residency status for admission, tuition and charge differential purposes will be made by UMES at the time a student’s application for admission is under consideration. The determination made at that time, and any determination made thereafter, shall prevail in each semester/session until the determination is successfully petitioned and changed. A campus residency committee meets periodically to review petitions for reclassification to in‐state status.

Persons who need assistance with the reclassification should contact the UMES Office of Undergraduate Admissions or the Graduate Studies office. The Board of Regents Residency Policy is on the Graduate School’s webpage (www.umes.edu/Grad/Default.aspx?id=17650).

Financial Assistance

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore recognizes the high cost of education and makes every effort to offer financial assistance to qualified students through a variety of programs. Admission to a graduate program (e.g., Provisional or Regular student status) is a prerequisite for consideration of an award of a teaching, research or administrative assigned assistantship, a traineeship, a grant, loan or a work‐study award. Some awards are made on the basis of the applicant’s academic merit and/or financial need, others on the basis of skill qualifications and other criteria. Once awarded, the continuation of most financial assistance is dependent upon the student’s continued enrollment each term for a specified number of credit hours and continued good academic standing, among other factors.

The Graduate Studies office processes applications for the Graduate Studies Grant Award (www.umes.edu/Education/Content.aspx?id=13366), the Dr. Archie Buffkins Scholarship for Graduate Education (www.umes.edu/Grad/Default.aspx?id=17616) and the Conectiv Graduate Studies Endowed Scholarship (www.umes.edu/Grad/Default.aspx?id=17620).

Individual faculty, the graduate programs and the academic departments recommend appointments for teaching and research assistantships. Some offices and departments may offer administrative‐type assistantships. The graduate programs as well as academic departments and offices on campus should be consulted for available traineeships and parttime employment on sponsored grants and contracts.

The UMES Financial Aid Office (www.umes.edu/financialaid/Default.aspx?id=18726) determines eligibility for financial aid programs that are primarily based on “need.” Full and many part‐time graduate students are eligible to apply for the Federal Stafford Student Loans. The Financial Aid Office also administers the Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan Program, which is not based on need. Students must complete all the required forms for need‐based aid or the unsubsidized Stafford loan program.

The Financial Aid application process takes approximately four (4) weeks to receive the student aid report and three (3) weeks for award notification. Students should submit the required documents by March 1st in order to receive priority in the awarding process for the upcoming award year.

International students are not eligible for most types of financial assistance.

Graduate Studies Grant Award

This grant is intended to promote diversity in the UMES graduate student population. The Scholarship is available for legal residents of Maryland whose have obtained regular admission and enrolled as full‐time graduate students in a Master’s or Doctoral degree program at the University. Applications and guidelines are available in the Graduate Studies office.

Fellowships and Traineeships

Some faculty may obtain federally sponsored fellowships and traineeships for underrepresented minorities in the sciences. They should be consulted on availability and applicability of this funding. Another general option for graduate students is the Henson Fellows. Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for information.


Recommendations for appointment of graduate teaching, research or administrative assistantships, which are made by the graduate programs, academic departments, campus offices or faculty, are contingent upon the applicant’s acceptance and admission into a degree program. The number, level, and duration of assistantships vary by graduate program/department/office needs, enrollment, and the availability of institutional and sponsored funding. Applications for teaching and research assistantships will usually be made directly to the program/department in which the student is admitted. These Graduate Assistants are supervised and mentored at the department or program level. A smaller number of Assistantships (administrative assignment) may be available in selected campus offices. Information on campus policy and procedures concerning Graduate Assistants is found in the Graduate Assistant Handbook available on the Graduate Studies publications webpage at www.umes.edu/Grad/Default.aspx?id=17594. The Graduate Studies office releases annually the assistantship stipend amounts for each succeeding academic year.

Federal Loans

Perkins Loan Funds are available to graduate students after awards are made to undergraduate students. Loans are approved based upon financial need. Repayment begins six months after the borrower leaves school, and no interest is charged until the beginning of the repayment schedule. Repayment of the loan, including interest, is deferred during the time the borrower may be in military service, the Peace Corps, VISTA and ACTION, up to a period of three years, as well as during time of continued study on, at least, a half‐time basis. For information and applications, contact the UMES Office of Financial Aid.

Federal Stafford Student Loans

Stafford Student Loan programs permit students to borrow money from their hometown banks or other local financial institutions. Graduate students in good standing may borrow up to $12,500 per year. An origination fee will be deducted from the face value of each student’s loan. New borrowers will borrow at a variable rate that will be determined each year by the federal government. Monthly repayments begin six months after graduation or withdrawal from school. The federal government will pay the interest for eligible students while the student is in school. Contact the UMES Financial Aid office for details.

Veterans Benefits

UMES is fully accredited for accepting Veteran students and assists them in their needs for certification. Credit is given for any work done in the military service related to their major field of study. The Certificate of Eligibility must be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions when the veteran reports for registration. Benefits to which the veteran is entitled will be sent monthly by the Veterans Administration and directly to the veteran after he/she has been properly certified. Each veteran is responsible for the payment of all fees and expenses at the same time as regular students. The Undergraduate Admissions Office coordinates veteran services. Veterans are advised to contact that office for further information on admissions, tutorials, and special programs.