2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog *As of 06/01/2024 
    Mar 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog *As of 06/01/2024
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EDTE 382 Core Technologies

Credit 3
The core technologies are the building blocks of all technology systems within the context of the designed world.  Mechanical and structural technologies will be examined with regard to common components, simple controls, basic system design, safety, and applications.  Students will design, build, operate, and analyze a technological model, prototype or simulation related to the core technologies.  An overview of materials technology will include an examination of ferrous and non-ferrous materials, common industrial forms, and the primary and secondary processing of industrial materials.  Topical investigations and modular activity packages will be utilized to enhance understanding of the core technologies.  Lecture two hours.  Laboratory two hours.  Prerequisite:  Junior standing or permission of instructor. Prerequisite(s):  Junior standing or permission of instructor. Lecture two hours. Laboratory two hours.

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