Teacher Certification
Technology and Engineering Education (EDTE) is a four-year program of study leading to a Bachelor of Science degree, which will certify students to teach technology education in the secondary school. Students acquire technical knowledge and skills through creative and problem solving learning experiences related to the designed world. The Technology Education Teacher Certification sequence (based on established state requirements) may be pursued by education majors who also desire certification in Technology Education.
The goal of the Technology and Engineering Education program is to prepare professionals who will qualify for certification to teach technology education at the middle school and high school levels. Emphasis is placed on improving the teaching- learning process and promoting and developing technological literacy, which is the ability to use, manage, understand, and assess technology. Study is focused on technical applications to support classroom and laboratory activities.
Departmental Requirements
A sequence of professional education and liberal studies courses are required to develop leadership and citizenship skills needed for successful teaching. A total of 126 credits are required for graduation. A minimum grade of “C” must be achieved in prerequisite courses, major core courses, supportive courses, technical elective courses, and selected general education courses. *Course Requirements other than those listed should be selected in consultation with the advisor or Department Chairperson.
Career Opportunities
A degree in Technology and Engineering Education prepares professionals who will qualify for certification to teach technology education at the middle school and high school levels.