2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Important University Regulations Which Apply to Students

The following behavior may result in referral to the UMES campus Conduct System for appropriate action. Typically, disciplinary sanctions will be imposed not only for individual misconduct that demonstrates a disregard for institutional behavior standards, but also for conduct that indicates disregard for the rights and welfare of others as members of an academic community. Such conduct may ultimately call into question the student’s membership in the University community, either because he/she has violated elementary standards of behavior necessary for the maintenance of an educational milieu or because his/her continued presence at the University adversely affects the ability of others to pursue their educational goals.

  • Violation of Fire Regulations - This includes failure to comply with evacuation procedures, tampering with fire-protection apparatus, use or possession of fireworks or firearms, use of open-flame devices or combustible materials which endanger the safety or well-being of the University community, or unauthorized use of electrical equipment.
  • Behavior Which Jeopardizes the Safety or Well-Being of Other Members of the University Community or Persons Coming onto University Property - This includes physical harassment of, or interference with, fire fighters, police officers, or other persons engaged in the performance of their official duties; physical abuse or threatening physical abuse of any person on University property; and/or forcible detention of any person on University property.
  • Unauthorized Possession, Use, or Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages on or in University Property - University policy, consistent with State and County Laws, restricts on-campus use of alcoholic beverages in specified areas.
  • Possession, Use, Sale or Distribution of Illegal Drugs or of Drugs for Which the Required Prescription Has Not Been Obtained - This includes possession, use, distribution, sale, manufacture of, or processing of, illegal or un-prescribed narcotics, drugs, and/or hallucinogenic substances.
  • Destruction, Theft, Attempted Theft or Impairment of Personal or University Property - Disciplinary action may include a requirement of restitution.
  • Unauthorized Possession or Use of University Keys - Keys to rooms or buildings on the university campus may be obtained only through official channels.
  • Unauthorized Entry into or Presence in a University Building or Facility - Except for properly scheduled use, classroom, administration, and recreation buildings are closed to general student use on holidays, Saturday afternoons, Sundays, and after 12:00 midnight during the week. Students may use a building or facility for a specified purpose upon written permission from a member of the faculty, with approval of the academic or administrative officer normally having control over such building or facility. Such permission may also be revoked or withdrawn.
  • Plagiarism, Cheating and Other Academic Irregularities - A student who violates accepted academic procedure may be referred to the Department Chairperson or to an Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Dishonesty.
  • Falsification, Forgery or Modification of Any Official University Record - Identification card, absence excuses, parking stickers, transcripts, examinations, grade cards, admission applications, etc. are all Official University records. Tampering with any of these records may invoke conduct actions.
  • Actions on the Part of Students Which Substantially Obstruct, Disrupt, or Interfere with Non-Academic Activities on University Premises by Members or Authorized Non-Members of the University Community.
  • Obstruction of, Disruption of, or Interference with Any University Activity of an Academic Nature - Discipline in the classroom is the responsibility of the faculty member in charge of the class. Misbehavior of a type that interferes with the educational efficiency of a class will be considered sufficient cause for suspending a student from the class. If a student is suspended from class for disciplinary reasons, he/she should report immediately to the Department Chair.

The Department Chair will investigate the incident and will report it to the Academic Dean, who will in turn report it to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to determine whether or not past disciplinary action has been taken against the student. The Department Chair will then write a letter to the student indicating the disposition of the case. The student will be required to present this letter to the instructor who suspended him/her before he/she can be readmitted to class. A copy of this letter will be sent to the Chair of the Student Judiciary Council.

  • Failure to Meet Financial Obligations to the University - This includes refusal to pay delinquent accounts and use of worthless checks or money orders as payment to the University for tuition board, fees, library fines, traffic penalties, etc.

Suspension of Students and Organizations from University Activities and/or Facilities

Suspension from University activities and facilities occurs when a student breaks the University’s Code of Student Conduct. The person in charge of a unit of the University directly related to the code violation (the person in charge of a department, division, organization building, facility, or unit such as the Dining Hall, Student Center, etc.) may recommend suspension of any student or organization from a facility, pending action by the Conduct Board, which adjudicates all such incidents and notifies the student(s) of the disposition of the case. A file of such actions is kept in the office of the conduct administrator.

Student Code of Conduct

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) is a student-centered community, the central purpose of which is the discovery and transmission of knowledge and learning through scholarly research, teaching, service, and community outreach, building towards the total development of its students and the global community.

Members of the UMES community (students, faculty, administrators, and staff) have come together in a voluntary association, not merely to fulfill individual responsibilities, but to contribute to the realization of the University’s objectives and mission. Therefore, in the interest of maintaining order (in the University community) within the broadest range of student freedom, these rules and regulations have been established by the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to govern student conduct.

The UMES Conduct System is designed to assure due process, with the speedy and constructive resolution of cases and controversies. Disciplinary proceedings at UMES are not criminal proceedings; therefore the focus of inquiry in disciplinary proceedings shall be to determine whether a student(s) has violated the University Student Code of Conduct. A humanistic approach to discipline is employed whenever possible. It is intended that this conduct system, will operate on the principle that justice will best be served by promoting the development of self-knowledge and self-discipline, expressed in socially desirable ways, rather than harmful, destructive or immature attitudes or behaviors.

The Student Code of Conduct outlines rules and regulations relative to student conduct and housing, and is applicable to all students (on and off campus), as well as registered student and Greek-letter organizations. The authority to administer the Student Code of Conduct and its conduct system is delegated to the Vice President for Student Affairs. The Campus Conduct Board adjudicates disputes over complaints of violations of these rules and regulations.

All UMES students share the following responsibilities: to read, become acquainted with, and adhere to the Code; to respect personal and property rights of others, and to act in a responsible manner at all times, on or off campus; to protect and foster the intellectual, academic, research, cultural, and social missions of the University; and to observe the laws of local, state and federal governments and agencies.

UMES Code of Student Values

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore claims certain foundational principles of values upon which its entire existence stands. All students at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore have the duty to observe, uphold, and accept these values as standards of conduct. These include honor, personal and academic integrity, mutual respect for personal and property rights of others, justice, freedom, diversity, leadership, civility, courtesy, fairness, spirituality, and loyalty to the University. UMES has established this Code of Student Values (see full Interpersonal Values Statement in appendix, Student Code of Conduct), which forms the model 2 of conduct for student members of our academic community.

Prohibited Conduct

The following conduct is prohibited by the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Attempts to commit acts prohibited by this Code shall be punished to the same extent as completed acts, which may include suspension and/or expulsion from the University. Students and student organizations are responsible for the conduct of their guest(s) on, or in University property and at functions sponsored by the University, and may be disciplined for a guest’s violation of this Student Code of Conduct. Pursuant to the University’s parental notification policy, parents or guardians will be notified when students under the age of twenty-one (21) receive disciplinary sanctions for abuse and/or misuse of alcohol, and drugs, or for arrest. Please note this is not an exhaustive list, a more complete list is available in the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Computer misuse and dishonesty
  • Forgery, fraud, and dishonesty
  • Improper possession, use or abuse of alcoholic beverages
  • Drugs
  • Discriminatory conduct
  • Violence to persons
  • Theft, vandalism, destruction and abuse of property
  • Arson
  • Harassment
  • Sexual assault and misconduct
  • Stalking
  • Disruptive, disorderly, or reckless conduct
  • Possession of dangerous weapons, firearms, or explosives
  • Violations of Residence Life and Housing/Rules and Regulations
  • Cellular telephone and pagers in the classroom
  • Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic
  • Illegal gambling or wagering
  • Hazing
  • On or off campus event related misconduct

A complete copy of the UMES Code of Conduct is available at www.umes.edu/Student/index.html or visit the Office of Campus Conduct, Student Services Center, Suite 2165 or call (410) 651-8440.