2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management
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Dr. Pamela Allison, Chairperson
The mission of the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) within the School of Business and Technology is to prepare entry-level hospitality management professionals with essential skills for long-term hospitality career success and industry leadership.
HTM also fosters research and service of direct application and benefit to the State of Maryland and the global hospitality industry.
The essential skills referenced in the mission statement translate operationally into a six-point graduate success profile objective/outcome that holds that UMES/HTM graduates will possess:
- Hospitality Attitude
- Marketing Mindedness
- Quantitative Competence
- Technological Fluency
- Relevant Work Experience
- International/Multicultural Sensitivity
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Student Learning Outcomes
This profile is delivered across the HTM curriculum and measured via a Student Learning Outcome Assessment Process (SLOAP) with the expectation that students will be able to:
- identify, describe and apply the fundamental principles and practices of foodservice operations and management;
- identify, describe and apply the fundamental principles and practices of hotel operations and management;
- apply proper hospitality terminology in professional industry communications;
- manage food production and service, including design of staffing schedules and timelines, plan and analyze menus;
- apply hospitality marketing research theory and techniques, including survey design and analysis in both verbal and written formats;
- identify, integrate and apply basic accounting, cost accounting, financial analysis and reporting necessary for effective decision-making in the hospitality industry;
- identify, describe and be able to analyze legal and ethical issues relevant to the hospitality industry;
- identify and distinguish between technology applications and examine and evaluate technology to augment professional practices in the hospitality industry;
- develop, organize and plan hospitality events and demonstrate the ability to evaluate, critique and prepare related summaries including recommendations for improvements;
- demonstrate hospitality professionalism and demeanor; and
- identify and describe the basic principles of tourism theory, operations and management.
The objectives of the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management are to:
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge in general and specific matters of communication, mathematics, computers, social and natural sciences, humanities, and health and physical education.
- Explain the historical development and current market segmentation of the hospitality industry.
- Plan, purchase and prepare meals in quantity and reflecting a variety of service styles in hospitality experience.
- Demonstrate basic management skills of planning, organizing and controlling.
- Demonstrate basic business administration skills of accounting, financial analysis and marketing.
- Demonstrate basic knowledge and management skills related to front office, housekeeping and engineering departments of hotel operations.
Minor Programs
The Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management offers minors for HTM majors only for the following area: Culinary Arts Restaurant Management (CARM) and Travel/Tourism Management (TMGT).
HTM also offers minors for non-HTM majors only for the following area: Food and Beverage Management and Hotel Administration.
PGA Golf Management
The PGA Golf Management Program at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore prepares students for a career in the golf industry as members of the Professional Golfers’ Association of America. In partnership with the PGA, UMES provides quality education to our students by assisting them in understanding the business and playing aspects of the game of golf.
A degree in PGA Golf Management with the Professional Golfers’ Association of America (PGA) accreditation represents a career field emphasis that enjoys specific synergies with University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) academic and physical assets. Students who satisfactorily complete the major in PGA Golf Management will receive a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree and be prepared to:
- Begin a career with a major golf resort or independent golf course operation.
- Assume a supervisory role with a major golf course management company.
- Represent leading golf equipment and golf fashion manufacturers and merchandisers.
- Provide leadership in golf tournament and related special event planning including banquet or other food & beverage requirements.
- Commence a professional golf teaching career.
- Obtain membership within The Professional Golfers’ Association of America.
Departmental Requirements
The admission of students to the undergraduate programs in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management is based upon the general admission requirements of the University. Students are admitted into the UMES PGA Golf Management Program on a competitive basis. Prospective students must first apply for entrance into UMES. Once admitted to the University, they then petition for admittance into the PGA Golf Management Program. A verification of a USGA handicap of 12 or less will be required. This must be verified by handicap card or equivalent. All PGA Golf Management majors will take 41 credit hours in General Education. The GNST 100 one-credit requirement will be met with PGMT 122 Orientation to PGA Golf Management. The EXSC 111 three-credit requirement will be satisfied when the student successfully passes the PGA Playing Ability Test (PAT). The major core requirement of 77 credit hours for PGA Golf Management majors includes courses that have a significant impact on the day-to-day professional operations and activities of golf courses, pro shops, club houses, related supportive services and golf product/image marketing. Three hours of supportive courses are required. Nine additional hours of major electives must be completed including HMGT 405 Resort & Convention Management, and TMGT 130 Analysis of Travel and Tourism. One hundred thirty (130) earned credit hours are required for the degree in PGA Golf Management.
Transfers are accepted on a case-by-case basis. Transfer students will be required to meet all the PGA Golf Management Program graduation requirements of the University and the PGA of America.
Handicap Verification includes:
- A copy of a current USGA handicap index card indicating a handicap of 12 or less.
- The Handicap Verification Form filled out by a PGA Professional or High School Golf Coach.
- Successful completion of the PGA’s Playing Ability Test.
Directory of Faculty
Allison, Pamela, Professor & Chair
B.A, M.S., Ph.D University of Central Florida
Binns, Karl V., Assistant Prodessor
B.S., Morris Brown College; M.B.A. Morgan State University; Ph.D., University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Dillon, William, Director & Assistant Professor, PGA Golf Management Program
B.S., Winthrop University; M.S., Southern Wesleyan University
Forristal, Linda, Associate Professor
B.S., Iowa State University; M.S., George Washington University; Ph.D., Purdue University
Prosser, Christopher, Lecturer/PGM Internship Coordinator
B.S. Campbell University, M.B.A., Benedictine University
Quinn, Katherine A., Assistant Professor
B.S., University of Maryland College Park; M.B.A., University of Maryland College Park, PH.D, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Whittingham, Ralston G., Chef/Lecturer
A.A., Culinary Institute of America; B.S. University of Maryland European Division; B.S. University of Maryland Eastern Shore; M.S., Wilmington University
ProgramsMajor Minor
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