2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Environmental Science - Marine Science, B.S.

Marine Science option majors must complete 120 semester hours: 42 semester hours in general education courses, 36 semester hours in program core courses, 35 semester hours in program supportive courses and 7 semester hours in electives. Students are required, to take an independent study or undergraduate research in their junior or senior year. Most faculty are actively involved in research projects with undergraduate students. Students must receive a grade of “C” or better in both lecture and laboratory components of core and program electives to progress to the next course in the sequence.

Required Courses

General Education Requirements

All environmental science majors with marine science option complete a common body of academic course work (42 cr.). The General Education Requirements are designed to promote the development of a comprehensive educational base that will effectively support a student’s choice of a major concentration. Fundamental courses, MATH 099  and MATH 109  do not meet the General Education Requirement for a degree in biology, chemistry or environmental sciences, and do not apply toward graduation requirements. However, students placed in MATH 099  or MATH 109  should take these courses to prepare them for the required MATH 110  and higher level Math courses.

Students in the Honors program should take honors courses designated by HONORS. All students are encouraged to take a couple of courses online or during summer and winter sessions to develop skills that will support lifelong learning. Discuss with your advisor for details. General Education Requirements are distributed as follows:

Curriculum Area I - Arts and Humanities: Credits 9

Curriculum Area II - Social and Behavioral Sciences: Credits 6

Students must select two courses from any of the courses within Social and Behavioral Sciences:

Curriculum Area IV - Mathematics: Credits 6

Curriculum Area V - English Composition: Credits 9

Curriculum Area VI - Emerging Issues: Credits 4

Total Required for General Education: Credits 42

1Students must pass ENGL 101  and ENGL 102  with a grade of “C” or above before taking ENGL 203 .

2Honors students should take honors courses.

Program Requirements

Free Electives: Credits 0

Total Required: Credits 120

1CSDP 220 may be substituted for CSDP 121 or BUED 212.

Curriculum Guide for Marine Science Option