2023-2024 Graduate and Professional Program Catalog 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate and Professional Program Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Research & Instruction Resources

The University Library Services


The Frederick Douglass Library houses a multiplicity of print and non‐print resources to support the mission and academic programs of the University. The collection includes 213,143 volumes, 601 current periodical subscriptions, 35,773 bound periodicals and over a half million microfiche and microfilm collections. As a member of USMAI (University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions) consortium, the Library is affiliated with the University’s eleven campuses and thirteen libraries for the purpose of sharing library resources. The integrated, comprehensive library system, ALEPH, makes it possible for patrons to have 24/7 access to USMAI library collections and electronic resources. These collections and resources include the library catalog and 124 research databases including many full text journals, books and newspapers.

The Library offers a library instruction program on three levels as well as a one credit Information Literacy course (LIBR100) to support the University’s curriculum and the research needs of the students, faculty and staff. They are as follows:

  1. Library Orientation: The most basic session that includes an introduction to a multidisciplinary database such as Academic Search Premier, the online catalog, a tour of the Library and available Library services.
  2. Subject Orientation: Topic related instruction, which consists of database demonstrations related to the subject and an overview of specialized reference resources.
  3. Professional level courses: These are designed for faculty and/or graduate level research. Instruction can be given for any level at the request of the faculty and/or student.

A very competent staff is also available to assist with information needs.

Contact Information:
Frederick Douglass Library
11868 Academic Oval

Hours of Operation:
Monday ‐ Thursday: 8:00am ‐ midnight
Friday: 8:00am ‐ 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am ‐ 7:00pm
Sunday: 3:00pm ‐ 12:00am
Computer Labs close 15 minutes prior to the closing time.

Special Research Resources

The UMES campus is within a 2½ hour drive of one of the greatest concentrations of research facilities and intellectual talent in the nation in the Washington DC–Baltimore–Northern Virginia corridor. Libraries and laboratories, serving virtually every academic discipline, are within easy commuting distance. Opportunities abound for the exchange of ideas, information, and scholarship. Many of the libraries and laboratories are open to qualified UMES graduate students and others by special arrangement.

  1. The federal sector possibilities for faculty and graduate student collaboration include the USDA’s Agricultural Research Center (Beltsville, Maryland); the National Institutes of Health (for biomedical and behavioral research, headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland); the National Institute of Standards and Technology (Gaithersburg, Maryland); and the Naval Research Laboratory (Washington DC), among others.
  2. The State’s concern with the commercial and recreational use of the Chesapeake Bay, as well as its preservation, has been a focus of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies (CES). Two of the CES research facilities are located on the Chesapeake Bay, one of which is in Cambridge, Maryland, an hour away from UMES. UMES MEES program students may use CES faculty on their research committees, and access CES facilities and equipment.
  3. In addition to the UMES farm, graduate students in Agriculture have access to the research farms and facilities of the Research and Education Centers of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station/Cooperative Extension Service. The UMES Agricultural Research Program is a part of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station.
  4. The University System of Maryland jointly participates in the Chesapeake Research Consortium, Inc., a wide‐scale environmental research program, with Johns Hopkins University, Virginia Institute of Marine Science and the Smithsonian Institution. The consortium coordinates and integrates research on the Chesapeake Bay, and is compiling a vast amount of scientific data to assist in the management and control of the area. Each participating institution draws on faculty expertise in a diversity of disciplines. The consortium provides research opportunities for UMES faculty and graduate students.
  5. The University of Maryland is among a select group of US universities and colleges to have attained the US Department of Commerce’s designation as a Sea Grant College. The Maryland Sea Grant College, housed at the University of Maryland College Park campus, is a statewide program in marine research, education and outreach, focused primarily on the Chesapeake Bay.
  6. UMES is a member of the Maryland Space Grant Consortium in partnership with, Towson University, Morgan State University, the Johns Hopkins University, and the US Naval Academy.

The UMES Office of Sponsored Research and Programs


The UMES Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP) assists faculty involved in graduate research and instruction by helping them in the preparation and submission of proposals, and in the administration of subsequent grant and contract awards from federal, state and private sponsors.

OSRP can be helpful to graduate faculty and/or graduate students in:

  1. identifying potential funding sources;
  2. maintaining contacts with potential sponsors;
  3. assisting with proposal development and the processing of proposals to sponsors;
  4. coordinating sponsor‐required compliance review functions (e.g., for animal welfare, human subjects, biological and chemical hazards); and
  5. monitoring grant and contract activities to ensure that project expenditures are within the regulations and policies of the University System of Maryland, the State of Maryland, and the Federal Government.

OSRP assists with the review of financial support and other resources available for graduate students on specific sponsored projects of UMES faculty.

Contact Information:
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs
1120 Early Childhood Research Building

Phone: 410‐651‐6107
Email: Catherine Bolek, Director ‐ csbolek@umes.edu

Hour of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 8:00am through 5:00pm.